EyeWonder Upgrades Their AdWonder Flash Component
EyeWonder, ome of the leading providers of rich media and online video advertising products and services, has upgraded their AdWonder Flash Component that is used by many top ad agencys for online advertisments. The new version, 8.1, is easier to use and also comes available for an immediate upgrade. This program is designed to help ad agencys reduce the time it takes to deliver vidoe and rich media ads to the public.
This component is a "full-blown Flash-based production environement." It was created to help revolutionize the agencies create and execute ideas for video and rich media ad campaigns. EyeWonder also is pleased to announce that in the three months since officially releasing the Component, eight of the top ten U.S. interactive agencies have already embraced it for the creation of multiple new video and rich media ad campaigns. AdWonder also works intuitively within the actual Flash program. This was desginers are no longer wasting time having to learn new platforms, figure out not so helpful tips and trying to use a labor-intensive API. Within 3 months of its release, thew version is being used by 8 of the top 10 agencies in the US and many of these agencies have said that production and approval times were cut by over 50%. These agencies are also creating better quality ads and videos because they have more time. The 8.1 version now enables users to import and export projects, as well as, share them among multiple users.
This componet was a genius idea and the fact that it has been so well received speaks wonders for EyeWonder. By cutting production times in half, it's no wonder that so many users are creating better stuff, not to mention more interesting. And by working within Flash itself only makes this program so much better. Not all computers can handle more then 1 open program at a time, and the tim eit takes closing and loading programs can be very detrimental to agencies. With better ads comes higher sales and in the end that is what agencies want. When they actually get the product to sell, especially if it works better then planned, companies are going to continue using that agency, not to mention that MORE agencies will come to them.
I think that EyeWonder is going to keep AdWonder up and running, improving as they go. This program is obviously very effective and it's possible that it will one day help to revolutionize the ad world even more then it has already. It's in my opinion that AdWonder will eventually be used by more then just ad agencies and that it will continue to effectively help it's users.
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