On Tuesday, following Microsoft, Sony launched a download-to-own gaming service for PSP handheld consoles which will feature the games, Cool Boarders, Crash Bandicoot, Hot Shots Golf2, Syphon Filter, and Tekken 2. Additional titles will be available later this month.
However, PSP owners have to try this new feature in a more "round-a-bout" way. In order to download these games, they need to be PS3 owners as well, for they have to download the them from the PlayStation Store through PS3 and then transfer the games to the PSP console.
This is nice if you own both the PSP and PS3, but what if you only have the handheld console, and don't have the money to buy a PS3, let alone even want one? Some are just satisfied with the older PlayStation version and don't want to upgrade, so shouldn't this feature be available for all versions, including the handheld? What's the point of being able to download games for that version when many people won't be able to access them, especially with all of the mixed feelings about the recently released PS3. I just think this is one more way of trying to market the PS3 and getting more consumers to buy it and boost it's ratings since it released with a rocky start. But what do I know? I don't own any PlayStations.
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