3D Environment Creates New Dimension for Flat Images
A brand-new Flash component from Flashloaded.com, allows developers give depth and perspective to groups of images or symbols/graphic objects using Macromedia Flash. Useful for web design and graphic design applications, it makes building attractive interactive Flash-based interfaces and displays easy as it requires no 3D modeling. Developers simply define the position of the objects within the three dimensional space using a user friendly interface. 3D Environment is available for purchase and download from Flashloaded.com
A group of pictures on a typical web page is a flat, lifeless grouping; web surfers can look at them, but not interact with them," said a spokesperson for FFF Web Media, the company behind Flashloaded and 3D Environment. "By using 3D Environment, the individual pictures can be rendered with depth and dimension making the pictures a key part of a 3D interactive world in your web design.
Designs employing 3D Environment let surfers interact with images and make their way through the 3D space, scrolling up and down, to the left and right and zooming in and out in relation to the images. Through depth and perspective, it creates the illusion of a three dimensional world. The end user can also rotate the 3D environment around all axes.
One design example they have on there site depicts a ride through the solar system," a spokesperson for the company said. "One click and people can travel from Earth to Mars. Each planet appears in relation to the next and on a backdrop of a star filled galaxy, creating the illusion of a 3D world.