
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fileworker Pro is the thing to know!

Fileworker pro is now getting web savvy. Which was once just a database application is now a web-based database application.
not only is it just being used for MACs which was its original setup it is now also for PC. It was first used to database information for presentations and things of the sort, to send information in a formal matter. But they have now added a great feature called the Web Veiwer which lets you pull information off the web to make it more accesable. Lets say that you want to make a database of directions to places that you will be visiting on a trip. You can look those directions up on the internet and pull the parts off and put them into the database, this way you can type different places in and not need an interent connection to get the information you need.

The way that this will connect with web design is companies will possibly start to make the ability to pull information off of there site easy so that the consumer can implement this tool much more efficently. I can see some site even adding in a button of some sort to automatically pull the information off into a format the fists Fileworker pro better.

I can see how this tool will be good and bad. It can be good because life could inturn be easier and you can pull information into one database making your searching through information you may look at often easy and less distracting. But I can also see where it would be bad, if a company wants to make there information more accesable then they may lack on the more plesent look of the site that we designers enjoy creating.

Macworld November 2006


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